
what do you like about being a woman?

two of my favorite women

since i became a woman i've realized something: we are keeched!

"keech" is the armenian word for jipped, short-changed, screwed, whatever. keech just sounds so much better.

really, i'd rather be a guy! in general (of course there are always exceptions) we get paid less, we're less athletic, we're emotional and generally less stable, we bleed in our underpants accompanied by abdominal pain that's guaranteed once a month for a whole week, we have to take birth control, sex is painful and sometimes frustrating, we have to continually dodge the outside world's attack on our self-image and self-esteem, we have to be pregnant for nine months that's accompanied by permanent damages to our body, we have the pain of a human being come out of us, etc., etc., etc.

and according to my friend, doug rasmussen, men are better than women at everything. (i won't even get started on that maddening conversation.)

keeched i tell ya!

so i try to be positive and think about the things i really love about being a woman. and sometimes i sit and think and think and think...

there are things i like. i feel like we're generally more spiritually inclined. we're more compassionate and loving.

but i'd really like to be more proud of being a woman and learn to love it! i want to be glad i'm a woman and stop wishing i was a man. (this sounds weird, doesn't it?)

so help me out, what is it that you really love about being a woman?


Leah said...

The truth is, not much. I've come to the conclusion that the best lives are those of women who are either 1) ugly and pretty (because the world will be kind to them and they won't know to crave more), or 2) ugly and smart (because then you can get ahead with your brains and not have people assume it's because you have a shapely ass or large boobs). Any other option and you're screwed.

Sorry if this is the opposite of what you wanted, but it's true.

It's a man's world. Sigh.

Brian and Kenna said...

We have WAY cuter clothing than men do!

We can go pamper ourselves at spas and no one would think that's weird.

WAY less body hair... And most of us don't have to deal with balding

We don't have to do stupid reckless things to be considered a real woman

We smell better and sweat way less

I'm sure there is more... But I'm tired :-)

Anna Alyse said...

Oh! I have been down this road many times, wondering things like this. Especially about the whole freaking period thing and painful sex. Didn't seem fair. The thing that was really hard for me to understand was why we were called so precious but then we are made so weak and men therefore control and abuse us.


I'll have you know that I have learned sooo much lately about who we are and what our worth is. Basically we just need to talk though because a lot of it is personal and some comes from the temple... Besides, I graduated in sociology- I know a thing or two about this society crap. ;)

One thing that keeps me feeling blessed is that even though women ARE keeched in the world that those of us in the gospel are not. We are so reverenced! Its great. And on top of that I have amazing men in my life, esp. Buck, who NEVER make me feel the ways the world does. So, if nothing else, this helps. :)

But call meeeee! Lets talk. We need to anyways simply because its been so long.

And p.s. I love how honest you were in this post! Its refreshing when people are honest and tell it like it is.

kambam said...

*Long, luscious hair
*Delicateness and feminitity
*The power to stop traffic and wield a power over men
*Crazy emotions mean you get to FEEL.
*Do NOT have a penis!
*Free meals and being treated nice by gentlemen
*Women see beauty in ways that most men don't
*We smell great
*We can dress like men or women
*Our nipples at least have a purpose
*I am woman, hear me roar!

Jodi said...

ha! love it. thanks girls.

JWilcox said...

I think you've been listening too much to that song we made up years ago. Remember? How boys get to go out and play all day while girls have to stay home and work? Too bad we never tape recorded it and gave it to my 5th grade teacher like we planned. :) I've been thinking about what I like about being a woman and I seriously can't put it into words. I'm just not sure what I like about it, I just know that I do. You know, you listed we have to have the pain of carrying babies and popping them out and now having done that a couple times I would modify that a little. We GET to have the pleasure of carrying a child. It is hard and painful and uncomfortable but it's also a joyous experience. Being able to participate in the the miracle of it FAR OUTWEIGHS the difficulties associated with sharing your body to create another life. And the feelings that come from seeing your child for the first time and seeing him or her everyday as they grow is another miracle and I would NEVER trade that to be a boy. (All this is coming from a not-so-girly-girl as you know). Being a woman is great, plus you get to have some really fun girls nights out with friends, cousins, and sisters!

Jodi said...

well i know people say there's a lot of joy in pregnancy and birthing, but until i experience it i don't believe it. :) we'll see...

Lori said...

I think the joy of parenthood is in the moments. There are so many priceless moments, and the amazing LOVE that make it all worth it to me. But you are smart to know that those moments don't come without cost. Life surely changes forever when you have a child and you can never go back.

I think in spite of all the painful and unfair things that we experience as women, we actually have a lot more power than we think. The influence of a good woman can make such a huge difference in many husbands/children's/friends/etc. life. Most of us know naturally how to comfort, elevate, teach. Also, it's amazing sometimes to be THE ONLY ONE who my child wants/needs, because we have forged this amazing mother-child bond.
Guys don't have it all that easy, either. Most of the NORMAL ones really just want one thing, love and acceptance from a WOMAN (and I don't mean just sex). And they are stronger on the outside but they have all these expectations of them that sometimes are impossible to meet. If they get overwhelmed and break down, they are considered weak. These days even in traditional husband with a job, mom stay at home scenarios, they have the pressure of providing for their families while still being a hands-on father, help around the house, etc. (by the way Nate does a pretty good job of doing it all, but I think it would be really hard). I wouldn't trade places with a guy EVER.

Jodi said...

good points :)

The Woodgers said...

Oh Jodi! I miss you! How are you doing? I will tell you what, I love being a mother. It is the greatest thing in the world! Being able to carry that precious little angel and feel her move inside me was something my husband was so envious of. Something that men will never get to experience! There is a special bond between a mother and a child :) Hope this helps a little. Hope all is well!