
25 weeks

I'm now 26 weeks and starting to get uncomfortable. I can't imagine what it will be like near the end. My lower back hurts most of the time and I have weird upper stomach pain, like stretching muscles or something. I sleep with a pillow between my legs and under my belly. Baby moves a lot at night and that can sometimes keep me up. Sometimes I just have a hard time breathing comfortably. I've gained 30 pounds already and doc says I'm bigger than normal. Yup... But baby is healthy. I passed the glucose test this week. By the way, I thought the glucose drink was delicious! Just tasted like a sugary sprite. I bought a new ring from Claire's; my hands are permanently swollen. I still sometimes wear non-maternity shirts and pants, but I probably shouldn't. I'm loving Ross and have bought most of my maternity clothes there. We haven't started the nursery yet or bought many things. It's overwhelming so I'm procrastinating. Tyler's back in school and I'm really hoping that baby comes a little early or on time because his finals are a week after my due date! I'm planning on working right up until baby comes. Thankfully I have a low-key job. I can't imagine teaching while pregnant. Well, I'm feeling good and getting excited to meet this little guy.


Erinn said...

Just remember the next fifteen weeks go by the slowest. :)

Phillip and Maggi said...

You look SO good!! I'm jealous, I was never that styling as a prego person. Glad to hear baby is doing great. Good luck it has to get worse from here so you want that baby OUT at the end:)

Max and Rebecca said...

Hopefully he'll come after Tyler's finals, it would totally be worth being overdue if Tyler was there to help a lot more...not that you really get to choose :)

Nicole and Garrett said...

Weeks 25-35 were actually my favorite! And then I realized--oh my gosh, I am going to keep growing for 5 more weeks...crap. Yay for doctors saying you're bigger than normal! Isn't that just the BEST? :) Well you look really awesome and I hope you keep feeling pretty good. I don't know if you've discovered this yet, but go to the pool! Suddenly you're weightless and your back doesn't hurt anymore. It's like a miracle.

Pitchforth Family said...

oh my goodness Jodi! you are so stinkin' cute! Ice is my new best friend to help with the lower back pain :) I am glad that you are doing well! Can't wait to meet our nephew!

Heidi said...

Sweet Jodi,
You look super cute and spunky as all get out. Thinking of the glucose drink about makes me sick, so I'm glad you enjoyed it. It sounds like life is good and you are happy. If you can find a chiropractor, I'd definitely go. Mine helped me survive and be able to function pain free through most of my pregnancies.

You look great girl. Take care and walk the beach after work sometime. Enjoy! Love ya.

Christine said...

You look beautiful Jodi!

Unknown said...

Kristi helped me get on the blog! Yay!!! I agree with everyone else,,,,,,,,,,,
After doing OBlGYN for nearly 16 years,,,,you and Kristi Bridges are the beat looking pregnant women I've ever seen! Ever! Bar None! And there's been a lot! Now, if that baby in there who's playing Basketball or Football on your spine can just make it out the birth canal without getting stuck! We will all pray for that!
You look darling!
We are praying that Tyler is doing well! And holding up through all this. We love you both!
We miss you both tons!
Mom and Dad!